119. Pascal's Triangle II릿코드(LEETCODE) 2020. 2. 14. 15:36반응형
D 풀이
-0- 다구하고 그냥 반환함 2차원 벡터 만들 필요없이 vector 2 개 선언해서 풀어도 가능해 보임
time complexity O(n)^2
class Solution { public: vector<int> getRow(int rowIndex) { vector<vector<int>> arr; int cand = rowIndex + 1; arr.reserve(cand); for (int i = 1; i < cand + 1; i++) { vector<int> vi; for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { vi.push_back(1); } arr.push_back(vi); vi.clear(); } for (int i = 2; i < cand; i++) { int size = arr[i].size(); for (int j = 1; j < size - 1; j++) { arr[i][j] = arr[i - 1][j - 1] + arr[i - 1][j]; } } return arr[rowIndex]; } };
time complexity O(n)^2
class Solution { public: vector<int> getRow(int rowIndex) { rowIndex++; vector<int> arr(rowIndex); vector<int> brr(rowIndex); arr[0] = brr[0] = 1; if (rowIndex > 1) { brr[1] = 1; } if (rowIndex == 2) { return brr; } for (int i = 2; i < rowIndex; i++) { int cand = i + 1; for(int j=1; j<cand; j++) { arr[j] = brr[j] + brr[j - 1]; } brr = arr; } return arr; } };
반응형'릿코드(LEETCODE)' 카테고리의 다른 글
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